Hi everyone, thank you for coming to the debut of this blog's first post. It's an exciting milestone for me and my classmates I imagine as we're all embarking on this new journey into our Feature Writing class without ever leaving home.
To start things off I'll go ahead and give you all a warm welcome to my blog, it's a bit like Frankenstein's monster at the moment, kind of raw with a lot of visible seams, but give it some time and love and it will really come together, it's a journey I look forward to making with all of you these coming months.
I suppose if this is Frankenstein's monster then you must be wondering about the doctor? Well, there's not a whole lot I can say about myself that will blow your mind, I've never won any medals or trophies, I'm really just an ordinary girl who likes to draw and is still figuring her life out. There is one thing you all might enjoy though....
This is Pinto, destroyer of shoes whose favorite hobby is pretending he wants to sit with you and then barking at you when you try to pick him up, he's been one of my quarantine buddies for the last few weeks.
I really hope this blog becomes an opportunity for us to grow together and that we can all take something away from this during these difficult times, that being said here are just a few goals I've set for myself for this term:
#1: Stay on top of the work! It'll be a new regime to get used to but I'm still striving to do well in my classes this year and to use my resources even if they're all at home.
#2: Attend all the meetings! Participating in all the Zoom meetings means more opportunities to get the help I need and to be able to make the most out of my classes.
#3: Get a schedule! Right now everything is kind of unorganized in terms of schoolwork and so I'm determined to come up with a plan that will substitute my schedule before the COVID kicked in.
...And that's that! I hope we see more of each other these coming months and I look forward to getting to know you all!
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